Where I’ve Been

Good day everyone!

I’ve just returned from spending the summer in Europe and I am dead tired! 21 hours flying time with another 14 hour layover in Vietnam thrown in there for good measure. Anyway, these next few days are going to be well spent sleeping.

Europe was amazing! As you can tell, the motivation to update the blog was seriously lacking. It takes time sorting through tons of photos and writing about the experience. That and I really just wanted to enjoy my time time there without being “plugged in” too much. In fact I didn’t even have my laptop with me most of the time so it wasn’t really feasible to do so anyway. But now that I’m back in the Land Down Under, I’ll write a post from time to time on each place I went to: France, Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, Italy, and Spain (and a very brief visit in Austria). For a sneak peek, here’s a photo I took. Brownie points to whoever can guess where it is!


Anyway, like I said the next few days will be dedicated to sleep and getting ready to see Australia. I’m not even 100% where I’m going yet first, but the goal is to find a place to settle down and work for a little while. Unlike New Zealand, Australia is huge it won’t be as easy (or as cheap) getting around. Will I follow the backpacker trail and head straight up the East Coast to the Great Barrier Reef? Or maybe out west to Perth? Who knows. It’s a big country with lots of opportunities.